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The POV category, which stands for “point of view”, shows the scenes through the eyes of one of the performers, often the male porn stars. It is usually the perspective of the man being pleasured by the woman, which makes it seems as though you are the one getting sucked off or fucking the woman. Instead of a typical side-view of the scene, this is a more immersive version as the female performers tend to look at the camera as if she is looking at you. Of course, over the years, as this has gained popularity, you can find lesbian and gay POV porn scenes. However, this list contains straight POV porn sites, as it is by far the most sought out. If you not familiar with POV, here’s a brief explanation: The standpoint from which a tale is told is referred to as the point of view (POV). The several POVs include first person, second person, and third person, to name a few. The narrator takes on the role of a character in the story when they speak in the first person and use the pronouns "I" or "us." With this type of POV, the reader can see the events of the story through the narrator's eyes and acquire understanding of their emotions and thoughts. Second person POV is when the narrator addresses the reader directly using "you." This type of POV is less common in literature and is often used in instructional or self-help texts. An example of a second person POV story is "Choose Your Own Adventure" books. Third person POV is when the narrator is not a character in the story and uses "he," "she," "it," or "they" to tell the story. This type of POV allows the reader to see the events of the story from a more detached perspective and can provide a sense of omniscience. In addition to these three types of POV, there are also variations such as third person limited, which provides insight into one character's thoughts and feelings, and third person omniscient, which provides insight into multiple characters' thoughts and feelings. The choice of POV can greatly affect the tone and impact of a story. For example, a first person POV can create a sense of intimacy and immediacy, while a third person POV can create a sense of detachment and objectivity. It is important for the author to choose the POV that best suits the story they want to tell. Ultimately, POV is a crucial element of storytelling and can greatly influence the reader's experience of a story. It is essential for authors to carefully consider the POV they choose and how it will impact their story.